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Becoming an Agile Leader
Becoming an Agile Leader
When scaling Agile, no role changes more than the role of leaders.
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When scaling Agile, no role changes more than the role of leaders.
Q: While scaling an Agile transformation within our company, our leaders’ roles within the new organization have become more challenging for them. What is your view on that?
Author Darrell Rigby responds: You are discovering the same thing we have found—that is, when properly scaling Agile, no role changes more than the role of leaders.
We focus on helping leaders do two things.
Recently, we began comparing the calendars of senior leaders as they first begin to scale Agile to their calendars about three years later. The results are fascinating (see Figure). Experienced Agile leaders spend four times more hours on strategy development and growth, more time on talent management, and 60% less time on operations management. The result: Agile teams are more effective, and Agile leaders are more successful. And much happier.