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Masao Torii

Senior Advisor,

About Masao

Masao Torii has 50 years′ experience working with Japanese affiliates of global non-Japanese pharmaceutical companies, 28 years of which he served as president of 4 Japanese affiliates. During this time, he earned the trust of different stakeholders whereby enhancing the presence of Japanese business. Specifically, he drove and completed the acquisition of SSP Co., Ltd, a leading Japanese OTC company.

Masao began his career at Nippon Roche where he spent 4 years working on overseas assignments in the USA and Switzerland. He then moved on to lead as President of 4 Japanese affiliates: Rhone-Poulenc Roller, Inc., Schering-Plough K. K., Boehringer Ingelheim Japan K.K., and Novartis Holding Japan K. K.
Masao also serves as an advisor to JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.

Masao earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Loyola College in Baltimore and an MBA from Sophia University. Additionally, he completed the Advanced Management Program of Harvard Business School.

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