Energy Management in the Age of Disruptions
Energy Management in the Age of Disruptions
Navigating the future energy market requires robust scenario planning and strategic choices to open up new ways of competing.
Navigating the future energy market requires robust scenario planning and strategic choices to open up new ways of competing.
These are some of the plausible outcomes identified in Bain & Company’s third and most recent study on the integrated economics of energy markets—specifically oil, gas, coal and renewables. (See the sidebar, “Background and methodology,” for context on this ongoing research effort.) We periodically perform this research in order to understand the disruptions under way, develop a range of possible outcomes, and help our clients form scenarios that allow them to manage their businesses in times of unprecedented uncertainty and turbulence.
In this year’s study, we combined a top-down analysis of trends, including OPEC production levels and capital costs for solar power, with a bottom-up analysis that examines such factors as breakeven costs and fuel substitutions, to come up with a broad spectrum of realistic possibilities for energy markets. From those, we developed three broad scenarios that together cover most of these potential outcomes.
Of course, no one can definitively determine the future of markets—and we are not trying to do so. Rather, we are identifying likely outcomes that can be useful for executives in their scenario analysis, which we believe is the fundamental tool for strategic planning in uncertainty. We don’t assign a greater probability to any of our scenarios; doing so defeats the primary purpose of scenario analysis, which is to test the robustness of a strategy against multiple plausible outcomes.
As part of the process of defining these scenarios, our research identified 12 trends with the potential to disrupt the energy landscape, discussed in detail below. We then identified some of the most compelling insights revealed in our research, which together outline the range of possibilities that our scenarios address. Finally, our analysis of these scenarios, along with our conversations with industry executives, suggest three imperatives for energy management in this age of uncertainty:
Here is a look at three scenarios for 2030 and what energy companies can do to prepare.
Tomorrow’s disruptions are rooted in today’s trends. To understand which are most likely to disrupt the future energy landscape, we analyzed dozens of trends, identifying plausible ranges for key variables. Twelve emerged that could credibly disrupt the energy landscape by 2030—four in the oil and gas supply, four in renewables and four in transportation.1
In the oil and gas supply, four trends relate to OPEC, tight oil and shale gas, and the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market.
Four trends in renewable-power generation, particularly wind and solar power, are also likely disrupters.
The final four potential disruptions influence the energy landscape through the demand for petroleum liquids in the transportation sector.
Jorge Leis, leader of Bain's Oil & Gas practice in the Americas, shares three strategic imperatives for preparing for tomorrow's competitive environment.
Based on these 12 trends, we identified a wide range of possible scenarios looking out to 2030. As noted above, these three capture the most important trends shaping the energy landscape:
We take a decidedly rational economic approach to reach the conclusion that three scenarios are sufficient. For example, abundant, low-cost production of oil and gas from OPEC and US tight oil would likely result in lower prices and thus generate high demand for petroleum liquids. Under these conditions, the economic costs of more aggressive renewables policies (in the form of explicit or implicit subsidies) would weigh against more stringent carbon legislation—and this could result in a slight relaxation of COP21 commitments. In this way, variables that reinforce low-cost oil and gas supply correlate with variables that reinforce oil and gas demand and together mitigate adoption of renewables. By the same token, the most aggressive renewables policies are deemed most likely in an environment of less abundant oil and gas, more competitive wind and solar power, sharper reductions in battery costs and an accelerated adoption of EVs. Thus, variables that accelerate renewables adoption correlate with the most aggressive renewables technology advancements and pro-renewables policies, weakening demand for fossil fuels.
Applying these inputs to the three scenarios according to this logic produces a wide range of outputs with substantially different results (see Figure 4).
The future energy landscape will be defined by unprecedented uncertainty, industry turbulence and market fragmentation. Each of these attributes carries with it a strategic imperative for industry participants.
Plan for uncertainty with scenarios. Scenario analysis is the fundamental tool for strategic planning in uncertainty. However, the benefits of this type of analysis lie not in assigning probabilities to each scenario, but in testing a strategy’s robustness against each scenario. (For more on this, see the Bain Brief “What the Recent Oil Price Shock Teaches about Managing Uncertainty.”) Accordingly, we do not consider any of our scenarios as a base case around which one should optimize a strategy. Converting a set of scenarios into a weighted-average or maximum-likelihood forecast defeats the primary purpose of scenario analysis: to test the robustness of your strategy against multiple plausible outcomes. To illustrate the point, imagine an exploration and production (E&P) company assigning 20% probabilities to Oil and Gas Superabundance and Green Transformation and 60% probability to Market Montage. The resulting weighted-average clearing price would be $90 per barrel. Testing the robustness of a portfolio optimized for $90 per barrel against the full set of plausible scenarios reveals the error of this logic.
Combine top-down and bottom-up analysis to efficiently generate executable insights. The future energy landscape will be defined by a patchwork of winning fuel combinations related to intrafuel and interfuel substitutions. The aggregate impact on total demand and fuel mix will be visible and useful to forecast and track, but the competitive battles will take place on a much more localized scale as fundamental fuel economics driven by respective e-curves interact over time with location-specific resource availability, regulations and climate patterns. The resulting mosaic of possibilities will require a deep understanding of global, national, regional and local dynamics to develop proprietary points of view and to identify where and how to influence outcomes that will come in a series of micro battles—focused competitive efforts that require the application of differential resources. All industry participants will need to understand and incorporate global dynamics into their strategic planning processes; all forms of energy are increasingly interconnected and influenced by global trends and events. But where industry participants devote time and energy to develop and integrate detailed, bottom-up models differ by the type of player and strategic focus.
For example, E&P companies need resource and production profiles for each basin within their footprint, so they can identify the portfolio of assets that provide the greatest robustness, range of options and intrinsic value. For refiners, petrochemical companies and utilities, regional availability and price differentials of competing fuels and feedstock will impact the competitiveness of various assets and the next wave of major capital projects. For LNG companies, both suppliers and buyers look to exploit local natural gas advantages over time. And for manufacturers and investors in new products such as EVs and utility-scale storage, local models of target markets are critical to refine top-down forecasts, redirect capital and guide business development.
Retool business models as competitive weapons. Regardless of which scenario best captures the future trajectory of the energy industry, the 2020s will be a decade of transition. With this transition will come much turbulence and the need to respond quickly to developing events. Periods of turbulence invite new entrants and business models that further disrupt the industry—as seen in the evolution of North American unconventionals. Existing players rarely introduce these disruptive business models. Incumbents should begin to develop innovation skills and Agile processes to fine-tune their business models for a fundamentally different competitive environment in the future.
Where and how companies choose to participate in the energy market will be critical to their success in the long run. Energy executives should be asking questions that include:
Strategy is a plan and set of actions to achieve, maintain and leverage competitive advantage. After nearly three years of intense focus on cost cutting, operational effectiveness and capital efficiency, it is time for industry executives to devote themselves to the strategic questions that will define their future success.
This is the third in a series of Bain Briefs that deals with the subject of managing uncertainty in the energy industry. The first, “Beyond Forecasting: Find Your Future in an Uncertain Energy Market,” published in 2013, developed the methodology for applying scenario analysis to probe “what if” propositions, and defined signposts and leading indicators to track trends and anticipate disruptions. We took a long-term view (out to 2030) and a top-down approach (postulating outcomes that were meant to stretch the possible in order to study the effects of scenarios at the corners of our model). Although the publication preceded the collapse of oil prices by more than a year, we were able to caution our clients that an oil price below $60 per barrel was plausible and that US natural gas prices could stabilize under $4 per thousand cubic feet (mcf).
The second brief, “What the Recent Oil Price Shock Teaches about Managing Uncertainty,” published in early 2015, introduced our strategic planning wheel and reaffirmed scenario analysis as the most effective way of managing uncertainty, while incorporating the short-term dynamics that precipitated the oil price collapse of 2014. We took a narrow and medium-term view (crude oil out to 2020) and a bottom-up approach (outcomes were based on detailed breakeven economics of reservoirs and production curves). This approach allowed us to counsel our clients that despite indications in early 2015, a “V” recovery was not imminent and, barring “black swan” events, fundamental supply and demand factors did not (and still do not) support a return to $100-per-barrel oil in the medium term.
The benefits of these efforts―and much client work since―has led us to conclude that a combination of top-down and bottom-up is the most efficient way to generate executable insights from an integrative, scenario-based, strategic planning process. This is the approach we adopt in this installment. Top-down analysis allows us to pose broad assertions such as a 25% increase in OPEC production or a 40% decline in capital costs for solar power, and examine aggregate effects on total energy demand and fuel mix. Bottom-up analysis allows us to examine intrafuel substitutions (substitution within fuel types, such as shale gas for conventional gas) across the crude oil supply curve or location-specific interfuel substitutions (substitution between fuel types) across regions with different resource availability, climate patterns and regulations. These bottom-up analyses can then be used to modify the original top-down assertions.
Jorge Leis is a partner with Bain & Company in Houston. He leads Bain’s Oil & Gas practice in the Americas.
The author gratefully acknowledges Andrew Welch, a manager in Houston, and Ann Alampi, Ethan Dobbs, Rusty Hundley, Christine Larson and Matt Tramonte, all consultants in Bain’s Houston office, for their contributions to this work.
1 Other emerging trends deemed too speculative or nascent to have a meaningful impact by 2030 include new sources of low-cost oil or gas that have not currently been identified as producing, under development, discovered but undeveloped or undiscovered but probable; advanced nuclear fusion reactors; 3D printing of manufactured products; alternative-fuel vehicles (such as hydrogen fuel cells); and shifts in vehicle use trends, such as ride sharing and autonomous vehicles. Also, we did not model any disruption to the consensus long-term macroeconomic forecast. Due to the modular nature of the models, all or any subset of additional factors can be included explicitly.
2 Pumped-storage hydro (PSH) is a mature technology and expected to be the largest source of storage growth to 2030 due to build-outs in China, Europe and the US. But suitable sites for PSH are limited, whereas battery storage can be deployed anywhere. Other storage technologies (in order from shortest to longest duration) are supercapacitors, flywheels, thermal storage, compressed air and hydrogen storage.