European Utilities Revisit Channel Strategy in the Covid-19 Era
European Utilities Revisit Channel Strategy in the Covid-19 Era
Lockdowns spurred more digital engagement with customers, speeding up a process already underway.
Lockdowns spurred more digital engagement with customers, speeding up a process already underway.
As Europeans begin a gradual return to business and an extended period of uncertainty, utilities in the region are assessing what they’ve learned from the Covid-19 lockdowns and how that informs their customer engagement and digital strategies.
Some of the changes experienced by utilities in recent months may return to normal as lockdowns ease—for example, the overall declines in energy use and the shift from commercial and industrial usage (which declined by about 25%) to residential (which grew by about 10%).
One change that may last beyond the initial lockdowns is the new popularity of their digital channels, which increased significantly in most markets. These increases in digital engagement represent a significant opportunity for Europe’s utility businesses, one that executives will need to understand better in order to refocus their sales and customer engagement programs and long-term strategy goals. As people return to work, a more traditional balance will be restored. But some newly acquired habits will stick, and utilities that capitalize on the lessons learned in recent months can position themselves for greater resiliency in the future.
Some of those needs are immediate, and executives should be acting on them already. At the same time, they should be planning for the changes that will be necessary as the industry weathers the economic storm and the recovery. It’s helpful to think about these activities in four critical categories.
Separately, each of these measures has an effect, but a comprehensive strategy can shift sales more rapidly toward digital strategy and will make room for new opportunities (see Figure 1). By combining such a strategy with offers tailored to this challenging moment for customers, utilities can accelerate the shift to digital and emerge from the crisis in a more resilient position, having a more competitive edge against new entrants.
The global Covid-19 pandemic has extracted a terrible human toll and spurred sweeping changes in the world economy. Across industries, executives have begun reassessing their strategies and repositioning their companies to thrive now and in the world beyond coronavirus.