Global In-house Centers in India
Global In-house Centers in India
To get ready for the future, global in-house centers must focus on six key priorities.
To get ready for the future, global in-house centers must focus on six key priorities.
The Indian Global In-house Center, or GIC, landscape has evolved significantly over the last 20 years. Originally called captive centers in the early 1990s, GICs are offshore centers that perform designated functions for large organizations. GICs in India now number about 1,100, employing more than 800,000 individuals and generating approximately $23 billion in revenue. GICs’ ability to create cost savings for an enterprise—while tapping India’s talent pool—have led to that impressive growth. However, due to unprecedented digital disruption in industries worldwide, the role of Indian GICs needs to evolve.
The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and Bain & Company partnered to explore the changing role of Indian GICs—specifically, to define the key priorities that will enable them to become GICs of the future. Primary input for this study came from interviews with and surveys of more than 30 C-level executives (CXOs) of Fortune 1000 companies and 80 Indian GIC heads and senior leaders, supplemented by Bain’s intellectual property (IP) and client experience.
Digital disruption and changing business priorities of the enterprise
To understand the path forward for Indian GICs, it is critical to recognize the turbulence global enterprises are facing. Today, technology-driven change is rapidly accelerating, propelled by the converging trends of hyperconnectivity, data proliferation and new technologies that allow faster cycle-times and improved capabilities. Computing power is at an inflection point, allowing us to use data in ways previously impossible, while hardware is rapidly becoming cheaper, smaller, on-demand and more efficient. However, the extent of this digital disruption varies: Industries such as retail, telecom and media have been significantly more affected than, for example, construction, mining and utilities.
Technology is becoming a more central and critical path to business, therefore changing CXO priorities substantially. For example, technology now allows businesses to strive for a “segment of one” vs. traditional broad segmentation, and to engage with customers more frequently through more channels and in a more targeted manner. Long planning cycles have given way to the Agile methodology. Organizations now spend 45% of their IT budgets on activities that will grow their business compared with only 20% of their IT budgets on such activities previously. This shift necessitates a relentless focus on optimizing traditional IT costs, developing high-skilled talent, self-funding digital initiatives and making IT Agile, adaptive and resilient. These changing CXO priorities have created a unique opportunity for GICs to play a more active role in helping their enterprises thrive in the digital world.
Prateek Majumdar, a partner with Bain's Technology practice, explains how global in-house centers (GICs) can reevaluate their actions and become huge strategic assets for their parent companies.
The opportunity for Indian GICs
The majority of global CXOs surveyed during this study expect Indian GICs to play a more active role in leading top-of-mind investment priorities in the next three to five years. They also expect more senior enterprise leaders, particularly those two levels below CEO, to be based out of their Indian GICs. These CXOs anticipate the scale and scope of work managed by GICs to increase along with the enterprise’s reliance on the GIC while also fundamentally expecting GICs to continue to deliver cost productivity. This outlines the bigger role that Indian GICs can aspire to play within the global enterprise if they invest in becoming GICs of the future.
There are, however, multiple areas in which GICs need to improve. As a group, the global CXOs we surveyed gave their Indian GICs a Net Promoter Score® of -23% for their Indian GICs, highlighting leadership quality, domain expertise and automation (including machine learning and artificial intelligence) as areas for improvement. Not all GICs need to excel in all dimensions, but it is critical for each GIC to zero in on the right priorities and invest in them.
While global GXOs and GIC leaders are broadly aligned on most fronts, there are some disconnects on the current role of, and future priorities for, GICs. As a starting point, about 60% of CXOs perceive their GICs to be focused on low-end or transactional work, while 65% of GIC leaders feel that their GICs are focused on high-value, sophisticated work. Similarly, almost 40% of GIC leaders believe that they are involved in core functions, but only about 15% of enterprise CXOs agree.
Enterprise CXOs highlight six key areas Indian GICs can invest in to become GICs of the future: analytics, traditional IT, digital-age IT, domain expertise, leadership quality and cost savings. While GIC leaders are mostly aligned on those priorities, traditional IT stands out as something that GIC leaders aren’t prioritizing as much as global CXOs want them to. GICs must excel at digital-age IT capabilities, but in parallel they need to continue to focus on reducing the cost of traditional IT to help CXOs fund growth initiatives. GICs also need to help make traditional IT ready for digital initiatives.
Becoming GICs of the future
Indian GICs must focus on six key priorities over the next three to five years to become GICs of the future:
GICs will need to adopt a holistic approach to achieving those goals, including strategic aspirations, functions, capabilities and enablers.
Indian GICs have a unique opportunity to step up and play a larger role in the organization and ultimately achieve the stated goal of “accelerating enterprise transformation.” But getting there requires a holistic approach, a concerted effort and a shift in mindset. The journey is unlikely to be business as usual.
This report is formulated from surveys of and interviews with C-level executives at Fortune 1000 companies headquartered in the US and Europe (referred to as CXOs in this report) and Indian GIC leaders. Specifically, input from 30 CXOs and 50 GIC leaders was collected through surveys. We interviewed an additional 30 leaders in depth to provide nuanced opinions.
The insights collated from those primary sources were bolstered by Bain & Company’s global intellectual property and client experience in the areas of changing CXO priorities and digital trends.
Arpan Sheth is a Bain & Company partner based in Bengaluru and a leader of Bain’s Asia Pacific Information Technology practice and Bain’s Digital practice in India. Bhanu Singh is a partner in Bain’s New Delhi office. Prateek Majumdar is a principal in Bain’s Bengaluru office. They are all members of Bain’s Asia-Pacific Technology practice.
The authors would like to thank Navneet Kapoor, Sandeep Nayak, Gobin Chandra, Abhaas Shah, Siddha Jain, K.S. Viswanathan and Paresh Degaonkar for their contributions to this report.
The National Association of Software and Services Companies, or NASSCOM, is the industry association for the Information Technology-Business Process Management sector in India. A not-for-profit organization funded by the industry, its objective is to build a growth-led and sustainable technology and business services sector in India. Established in 1988, NASSCOM’s membership has grown over the years and currently stands at 1,400. These companies represent 95% of industry revenues and have enabled the association to spearhead initiatives and programs to build the sector in India and globally.
Net Promoter® and Net Promoter Score® are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.