M&A Report
Japan M&A: The Emergence of Transformative M&A
Japan M&A: The Emergence of Transformative M&A
More Japanese companies are willing to shed businesses and embrace a new version of themselves.
M&A Report
More Japanese companies are willing to shed businesses and embrace a new version of themselves.
This article is part of Bain's 2022 M&A Report.
Japan is in the midst of a boom in outbound M&A. Deals for companies outside of the country have grown to represent as much as 40% of total deal value over the past five years. While many of these deals are aimed at expanding a company’s geographic reach or product offerings, a surprising number now reflect a different trend: transformative M&A.
After years of resisting the need to sell unrelated assets, Japanese companies are taking steps to reshape their portfolios.
Among Japan’s top 50 outbound deals in 2021, eight were intended to transform the portfolio of an acquirer (typically a conglomerate) to create a path to sustainable profit growth (see Figure 1). The pursuit of transformative M&A comes at a time of digitization, business model disruption, and sluggish domestic market growth for many companies’ “Engine 1” core business. Contributing to the transformative M&A trend, companies selling assets to fund the acquisitions have a ready buyer in private equity, which has expanded its interest in M&A in Japan.
To see examples of transformative deals, look no further than Hitachi’s $9.6 billion acquisition of GlobalLogic, a US-based digital solutions provider. It was Japan’s largest deal of 2021, and its purchase had significant implications for Hitachi’s portfolio. Hitachi bought GlobalLogic as a catalyst to accelerate the growth of its Lumada Internet of Things (IoT) solution by gaining access to the target company’s differentiated digital engineering capabilities.
Portfolio transformation also was the impetus behind the country’s second-largest outbound deal of 2021, Panasonic’s $7.1 billion purchase of Blue Yonder, a US-based digital supply chain management solutions provider. The deal is aimed at helping Panasonic hasten the shift from hardware to software in the supply chain management field.
Transformative M&A comes at a time of digitization, business model disruption, and sluggish domestic market growth for many companies’ core businesses.
Unlike typical scale M&A, these deals aren’t purely focused on generating short-term cost synergies. Also, they typically are bought at high deal multiples that make it difficult to justify only by EBITDA growth. Instead, buyers hope to grow their own EBITDA multiple by sending a clear message to the capital market that these acquisitions will help transform their business portfolio for the midterm to enable future sustainable growth.
Business portfolio transformation cannot be a one-sided matter of adding new assets. It needs to be balanced by carve-outs or divestitures. While Japanese conglomerates have been eager to acquire, they have been slower to divest their original businesses, which sometimes represent a substantial portion of their revenue and are often viewed as sanctuary businesses.
Yet more companies are now making the decision to jettison businesses that are no longer in accord with their future strategy. After selling Hitachi Chemicals and other major assets, the Hitachi conglomerate announced selling Hitachi Metals, one of its original businesses, to a consortium led by Bain Capital for $7.5 billion in 2021. Hitachi Metals was viewed as a noncore asset as the parent company shifted its focus to IoT solutions as a key driver of growth. Another example is Japanese chemical conglomerate JSR selling its elastomer business to Eneos, a Japanese energy conglomerate. Divestitures of original businesses represented 10% of Japan’s 50 top deals in 2021.
More companies are now making the decision to jettison businesses that are no longer in accord with their future strategy.
Transformative deals can be more challenging because they are both scope/capability deals as well as cross-border deals. But buyers can boost the odds of success by focusing on three key areas: