Management Tools
Core Competencies
Core Competencies
Core Competencies are areas of deep proficiency that can help distinguish a company from its competitors because they are hard for competitors to copy or procure.
Management Tools
Core Competencies are areas of deep proficiency that can help distinguish a company from its competitors because they are hard for competitors to copy or procure.
A Core Competency is a deep proficiency that enables a company to deliver unique value to customers. It embodies an organization’s collective learning, particularly of how to coordinate diverse production skills and integrate multiple technologies. Such a Core Competency creates sustainable competitive advantage for a company and helps it branch into a wide variety of related markets. Core Competencies also contribute substantially to the benefits a company’s products offer customers. The litmus test for a Core Competency? It’s hard for competitors to copy or procure. Understanding Core Competencies allows companies to invest in the strengths that differentiate them and set strategies that unify their entire organization.
Usage and satisfaction among survey respondents
How Core Competencies work:
To develop Core Competencies a company must take these actions:
Companies use Core Competencies to:
Five key trends emerged from Bain's survey of 1,268 managers.
Selected references
Alai, David, Diana Kramer, and Richard Montier. “Competency Models Develop Top Performance.” T + D, July 2006, pp. 47–50.
Campbell, Andrew, and Kathleen Sommers-Luchs. Core Competency-Based Strategy. International Thompson Business Press, 1997.
Critelli, Michael J. “Back Where We Belong.” Harvard Business Review, May 2005, pp. 47–54.
Drejer, Anders. Strategic Management and Core Competencies: Theory and Applications. Quorum Books, 2002.
Hamel, Gary, and C. K. Prahalad. Competing for the Future. Harvard Business School Press, 1994.
Prahalad, C. K., and Gary Hamel. “The Core Competence of the Corporation.” Harvard Business Review, May 1990, pp. 79–91.
Quinn, James Brian. Intelligent Enterprise. Free Press, 1992.
Quinn, James Brian, and Frederick G. Hilmer. “Strategic Outsourcing.” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 1994, pp. 43–45.
Schoemaker, Paul J. H. “How to Link Strategic Vision to Core Capabilities.” MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 1992, pp. 67–81.
Zook, Chris. “Finding Your Next Core Business.” Harvard Business Review, April 2007, pp. 66–75.