Managing Stranded Costs on the Long Road to Net Zero
Managing Stranded Costs on the Long Road to Net Zero
The energy transition is changing the rules of capital markets and capital planning for energy companies.
The energy transition is changing the rules of capital markets and capital planning for energy companies.
Energy executives evaluating capital investments in fossil-fuel infrastructure hear two very different narratives about the future. On the one hand, pricing levels and the demands of the market signal the need for new capital investment in the energy system. On the other, energy companies are under pressure from investors, regulators, and other stakeholders to throttle investments in fossil-fuel infrastructure, to help put the world on an emissions path consistent with a 1.5°C temperature rise from preindustrial levels.
Much of the discussion on fossil-fuel assets is binary. That is, they’re either vital to prosperity or unacceptable given climate change. And reports from trusted industry sources also point in multiple directions. In May 2021, the International Energy Agency, the world’s energy modeler of record, stated that “no new oil and natural gas fields are needed” if the world is to stay on a path that limits warming to 1.5°C. However, just seven months later, a report from IHS Markit and the International Energy Forum indicated that continued underinvestment in oil and gas development could contribute to volatility, price shocks, and scarcity.
In spite of this uncertainty, executives still need to make investment decisions on energy infrastructure, based on the economics of each project. Increasingly, a top concern is the risk of stranded-asset costs: that a power plant, refinery, oil well, or other asset won’t continue to operate through its useful life due to changes in policy or economic shocks.
This is no small change, but rather a fundamental reshaping of the rules that have guided energy infrastructure investment for more than a century. Until recently, executives and investors could assume that assets would operate for as long as possible, serving steadily rising demand. Now, they can no longer assume that market demand will dictate how long an asset will be allowed to continue operating.
This dramatic disruption of the rules-based order will require a new approach to capital allocation. In our work with energy companies developing new approaches to manage the risk of stranded assets, three types of actions are helping executives make decisions more confidently.
With these approaches, management teams are reimagining their investments in traditional energy assets, despite uncertainty about future returns or terminal value. When combined with a sound energy transition strategy, companies can navigate risks associated with individual projects and build the right assets for the coming years.
But the time to start managing stranded cost risk is now.
Leading players are using five key tools to reduce the overall risk of a given project.
Stranded-cost risks will vary widely for different assets of any given company, which must have a concrete understanding of the individualized risk profile for any particular investment. The stranded-cost risk specific to an asset is shaped by three key questions.
Consider a natural gas power plant built to last 30 years, but with a reasonable chance of being stranded after 25 (see Figure 1). The company could write off about 17% of the plant’s value after 25 years of operations, a small figure compared with the earnings over its active life. Given the value generated over its useful lifetime, it may be worth investing in this plant, which has a lifetime return on equity above 7.8%, even if the company writes it off after 25 years.
On the other hand, if the company has to stop operating the plant after 15 years, it has to write off about half its total value. That’s a much larger loss than if the plant operated another 10 years, and return on equity would drop to 1.3%. In this case, the option of converting the plant to a lower-carbon use would be very valuable.
Because of this, we expect more and more gas power plants to be built with the option of converting to hydrogen fuel. Companies will also look for ways to provide stranded-cost protections for investors, such as legislation that ensures investors receive some level of recovery.
In an example from another industry, consider a large, deepwater oil and gas project with billions of dollars of front-loaded capital cost, but a production lifetime that could last to 2050 or beyond. Since operating costs are low once a project comes online, the production stream from the asset should generate substantial free cash flow for as long as the reservoir can be safely depleted. But with demand for crude oil eroding and investors focused on reducing emissions, companies may need to decommission some facilities well before they’d be abandoned under normal conditions.
While a utility-owned power plant earns returns based on a regulated rate, and an oilfield generates returns based on the market price of oil, both companies need to change the way they evaluate the long-term economics of long-lived projects. Stranded-cost analyses should include corner case scenarios that take into consideration new and extreme conditions, relevant to the region and jurisdictions where assets operate. (For more, read the Bain Brief “Managing the Energy Transition: Three Scenarios for Planning.”)
For companies that need to maintain and invest in fossil-fuel infrastructure, managing the risks of stranded assets could become more challenging every year. They’ll need to manage this risk as part of a broader strategy to evolve the business and sustain a compelling proposition for investors.
To do this, they’ll need a clear strategy for navigating the energy transition, and then lining up capital-allocation processes that support the strategy. For some energy companies, this means adding new criteria to the traditional processes, including:
Companies will want to tune their capital-allocation approach to the needs of their investors. Two groups of investors to pay particular attention to might be considered “green capital” and “gray capital.”
Green capital investors focus on ESG metrics. Some place carbon budgets on their portfolios, which can limit the availability of the capital they manage. These investors will look to management for signals that the company is serious about the energy transition, even as they make investments in fossil-fuel assets that may become stranded.
90% of new gas power-plant production in the Pennsylvania–New Jersey–Maryland region is funded by private capital.
Gray capital investors, by contrast, are less focused on ESG topics and more comfortable taking risks on fossil-fuel assets. This group is taking on a growing share of investment in fossil-fuel infrastructure. For example, in the Pennsylvania–New Jersey–Maryland (PJM) power utility region, about 90% of the planned construction of combined-cycle gas production is coming from private equity, organized into various LLCs and LPs. Gray capital could become an important source of potential value when considering the value of fossil-fuel infrastructure.
All investors, whether green or gray, are likely to increase their reliance on ESG metrics and ingest vast amounts of data to identify which companies are best situated to generate returns from the energy transition. Scrutiny on management teams will increase, particularly on management’s ability to decide whether to invest in assets with a risk of stranding, and for which reasons. This is a relatively new issue, but one that management teams at energy companies will have to contend with for the rest of their careers. The field is changing rapidly, and no one can be certain how policy and investor sentiment will evolve. Developing the skills to make these assessments and the flexibility to adapt based on shifts in policy, investor sentiment, or other conditions will be critical for success.