Founder's Mentality Blog
Micro-battles and Finding the First Failure Point
Micro-battles and Finding the First Failure Point
Identify the biggest problem that could derail the initiative and make it the focus of your micro-battle.
Founder's Mentality Blog
Identify the biggest problem that could derail the initiative and make it the focus of your micro-battle.
As we noted in our blog post on winning skills, successful micro-battles depend on the ability to translate a company’s most important strategic initiatives into what we call “first failure points.” By that we mean you need to identify the biggest potential problem or hurdle that could derail the initiative and deal with that first by making it the focus of the micro-battle. Readers have been pretty clear in their feedback: This feels like a big idea, but I want to know more. So here is a detailed look at how scale insurgents master the critical skill of identifying first failure points so they can use micro-battles to solve them.
We said it in the winning skills blog post, but it bears repeating: Most senior leaders sign off on a strategy of “chapter headings” and force their people to write the actual chapters with very little guidance. Many companies seem content to call generalizations like “Win in China” or “Recommit to Customer Excellence in Our Core Markets” statements of strategy. But those are really just chapter headings that say nothing about how you will win in China or how you will recommit to customers. Unsurprisingly, such vague attempts at spelling out the mission lead to vague execution and anemic results.
Want to learn more about the journey to scale insurgency? Explore the Bain Micro-battles System℠, step by step.
Scale insurgents use micro-battles to turn chapter headings into effective strategy by reducing a vague top-level idea into a specific, executable mission. The act of crafting a micro-battle mission forces senior leaders to create a hypothesis for each initiative that incorporates the following:
The reason we focus on first failure points is that we’re trying to reverse the usual order of strategic execution. Teams in charge of carrying out an initiative typically create very long lists of things that need to get done. Then they start with the easy stuff. This leads to heavy yield loss when they ultimately get to the hard stuff, and the initiative stalls. We try to get teams to start with the first failure point—or the hardest problem they will likely encounter—so they can get moving fast on prototyping a solution and discover early whether the initiative is, in fact, viable as envisioned. The best reality check is to put something in front of customers right away so you can fail, adapt, retest, fail, adapt, retest and so on until you finally achieve success. Another way to say this is that you need to focus first on the thing that is most likely to make you fail and adapt your way from failure to success.
Let’s be clear—there’s nothing easy about identifying the first failure point. An accurate assessment of what could go wrong demands huge amounts of industry experience, street smarts, practical thinking and intuition. But think about it this way: Most companies allow strategic execution to go on for years before anyone focuses on these critical points of failure. No wonder there’s so much yield loss. No wonder most strategic initiatives take 18 months to fail. We spend all our time on the easy stuff, while the failure point remains untested and waits unseen like a land mine. By the time we finally address it, the company is 18 months in and very often loses the will to persevere. So let’s step up on this, folks. If we want to call ourselves leaders, we have to take on the burden of helping our teams identify the first failure point at the beginning of a strategic implementation, not at the end.
The good news is that finding and confronting failure is a skill. If you become better than your competition at starting all strategies with rapid prototyping of solutions that address the first failure point, you will win. Here are two approaches that work:
You’re probably ahead of me here and thinking, “Yeah, this all works for customer-oriented initiatives, but what about all the other initiatives we have, starting with cost control?” Well, in our experience, there’s always a customer and it’s always valuable to test a prototype. Consider a couple of examples:
Once you’ve created a successful prototype to solve the first failure point, a well-designed micro-battle will then move to the second failure point. Generally, this means you move from customer to capability or from capability to customer. Two examples:
This is really an Agile point, but a point worth making. The best micro-battle leaders are very good at coming up with clear, contained failure points that allow the team to develop targeted prototypes through quick rounds of failure and adaptation. This is a real art. It’s very easy to overinvest in the prototype by creating a lot of functionality or complexity that really has nothing to do with the failure point. This creates costs and slows down prototype testing. It also creates a lot of noise in interpreting customer feedback. Are customers reacting positively or negatively because the prototype addresses the failure point, or are they merely reacting to all the bells and whistles you’ve added?
Remember, a key definition of a successful prototype is that it’s transferable to other markets (or next customers, or channels or employees). So not only will you probably fail in testing with the initial design target before you find success, but you’ll likely have to fail again in the next cycle, as you adapt the prototype to the next market. The more narrowly and precisely you define the design target in the first instance, the more you will fail in testing for transferability. That’s just part of the process.
Every micro-battle mission should define the metric used to measure both the success of the initial prototype and the subsequent repeatable model. It’s also important that the micro-battle team understands how to gather data to demonstrate it has hit the metric. Equally critical, however, is that the team learns from each prototype test, which involves rigorous use of both qualitative and quantitative customer feedback. In this context, focus groups matter a lot, and the best micro-battle leaders create the right conversation with customers to get real insight into what’s going on. Customer dialogue matters as much as a quantitative survey.
The customer feedback we’re getting on failure points is that this is really helping clients focus their strategic initiatives. The need to identify the right first failure point is leading to very different conversations at their companies. These conversations are improving the quality of the strategic discussion, moving it from an easy, but meaningless, conversation about chapter headings to a very hard, but far more productive, debate about first failure points.
The best micro-battle leaders take several actions, with the help of a few proprietary tools, to achieve full-scale deployment.