Strategy Beyond Scale
Strategy Beyond Scale
Creating a path to leadership economics.
Creating a path to leadership economics.
Who makes the most money in the tire market? The answer may surprise you, because the industry leaders in terms of pure scale don’t even come close. Germany’s Continental AG captures three times more economic profit (return above cost of capital) than global scale leader Bridgestone. With lower production costs and a better customer mix, Continental takes home by far the largest share of the tire industry’s economic profit despite its relative scale disadvantage.
Scale provides a powerful competitive benefit, there’s no debating that. In fact, a recent Bain & Company analysis of 315 companies across 45 markets worldwide shows that the scale leader is also the economic leader in 60% of cases. No surprise: Companies have long focused on building scale because the largest among them can spread costs over the widest base, wield the most market influence and benefit from the most accumulated experience.
But when we looked more closely at the companies making the most money, and how they are doing it, we found that those creating exceptional value don’t rely on scale alone. Firms taking full advantage of leadership economics reach well beyond scale to develop superior assets and capabilities that allow them to break through the normal range of performance and set ambitious new industry standards.
Strikingly, we found that, on average, 80% of the economic profit pool was concentrated in the hands of just one or two players in each market, when correctly defined by shared customers, costs and capabilities (see Figure 1). These strong performers generated nearly two times their cost of capital in profits. But while superior relative scale was often a powerful factor in performance, it wasn’t always decisive. Among the economic leaders in our research, 40% weren’t scale leaders at all, like Continental.
Thinking beyond scale
The best-performing companies, it turns out, achieve economic leadership by focusing their resources and augmenting the power of scale using an array of assets and capabilities that surpass those of competitors. This means that leaders need to stretch their full-potential ambition and challengers can and should play to win (see Figure 2). Across industries, the winners concentrate on developing four critical attributes:
So how do companies achieve economic leadership? By linking these elements together to develop an ambitious strategy that explicitly targets higher performance. That is how Continental outperforms scale leader Bridgestone by such a wide margin. Continental has set up a network of manufacturing plants in low-cost countries, which gives it a cost base competitors can’t match. It has developed a world-class set of capabilities for running those plants, standardized across all its facilities. Through strong relationships with the leading German auto manufacturers, it has adapted its product mix for the most lucrative customers. And by expanding its scope selectively to provide other automotive systems and components, Continental can bundle products and create a distinctive partnership with its customers.
The best companies—the economic leaders in their industries—are not always the biggest.
Challenger strategies
Companies like Continental demonstrate that the classic strategic imperative for challengers—build scale or get out—is only one of several options. Growing rapidly through M&A, for instance, might still be the most efficient path to scale leadership. But investing in leapfrog technology, lower-cost processes or better models for reaching the customer are equally valid options.
The crucial consideration: How can a company best marshal its resources to build distinctive advantage? Smaller companies hoping to challenge scale leaders should make bold, forceful choices about what path to take, then commit to their choice and invest aggressively to move as far and as fast along that path as possible. Most challengers have three broad strategies available to them:
Raising the bar for leaders
The paradox of leadership is that the largest companies often fail to take full advantage of leadership economics. As we mentioned previously, the top performers in our research returned an average of nearly two times their weighted average cost of capital. But among the scale leaders in each market, only 26% hit or surpassed that target; 36% didn’t even return their cost of capital (see Figure 3).
Market leaders often achieve their scale position by virtue of superior assets and capabilities. But it’s not uncommon for incumbents to settle in to defend their position and risk becoming complacent. The strongest leaders are significantly more focused and intentional about what they do with their leadership. They set a full-potential ambition and stretch toward it aggressively by taking full advantage of their scale and augmenting it with other attributes. Typically they follow at least one of three paths:
James Hadley, a leader of Bain's Strategy practice, explains how smaller players look to challenge market leaders, and what established companies should do to avoid complacency.
As we’ve seen, economic leadership is immensely valuable. In most markets, one or two companies make all the money while others either struggle to return their cost of capital or destroy value. But the companies that achieve the highest levels of leadership economics bring more to the game than simply scale. They make important choices about where they will focus their time and investments, and then work rigorously to develop the assets and capabilities that generate superior returns. They begin by asking some critical questions:
Arriving at the right answers usually requires company leaders to push past “normal” performance and profit expectations. Scale helps, but companies that consistently outperform their competition and take full advantage of leadership economics are fueled by an ambition to aim higher and a determination to build competitive advantage beyond scale.
Nicolas Bloch is a partner with Bain & Company in Brussels, where he coleads the firm’s Global Strategy practice. James Hadley and Ouriel Lancry are partners in Bain’s London and Chicago offices, respectively. James leads the firm’s Strategy practice in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Ouriel leads the Strategy practice in the Americas. Jenny Lundqvist manages Bain’s Strategy practice in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; she is based in Stockholm.