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Summary of Time, Talent, Energy
Summary of Time, Talent, Energy
Leaders can enhance their organizations’ productive power and overcome the drag that reduces efficiency by maximizing three essential resources.
EBSCO Book Summaries
Leaders can enhance their organizations’ productive power and overcome the drag that reduces efficiency by maximizing three essential resources.
Leaders can enhance their organizations’ productive power and overcome the drag that reduces efficiency by maximizing three essential resources:
1. Time is a scarce organizational asset that is often misused and poorly managed. Leaders can dramatically improve workplace productivity by emphasizing effective time management and implementing tested plans to reduce organizational bloat and complexity.
2. Talent is a key differentiator between average and highly productive organizations. Leaders can maximize their organizations’ productivity by attracting and retaining exceptionally talented people. These “difference makers” possess unique skills and experiences and can work collaboratively on initiatives that are critical to an organization’s success.
3. Energy is an intangible but powerful force that enables companies to accomplish great things. Leaders who learn to boost and harness their organizations’ energy can multiply the impact of their employees’ time and talent. The key is to tap the power of engagement, inspiration, and a strong company culture.
When leaders excel at managing scarce resources, they gain a powerful advantage over their competitors. In today’s economy, the scarcest resources are the time, talent, and energy of the people within an organization—and far too often, these resources are ineffectively managed. In Time, Talent, Energy, Michael Mankins and Eric Garton provide organization-wide solutions that leaders can use to maximize their businesses’ productive power, overcome organizational drag, and gain an edge over their competition.
An Organization’s Productive Power—and How to Unleash It
The business world moves at a breakneck pace—yet in many organizations, work moves slowly. Employees may find their days filled with lengthy meetings, emails, bureaucratic delays, and indecision. This phenomenon—organizational drag—not only decreases employees’ output; it also raises costs and demoralizes people, reducing the energy and enthusiasm that they bring to their work. Organizational drag can affect the most capable of leaders and employees. Its presence is unwanted, unproductive, and unsupportive of an organization’s goals.
Organizations can reduce organizational drag, boost productivity, and maximize output by actively managing how their people utilize three vital resources: time, talent, and energy. When they learn to manage all three factors effectively, they find a renewed sense of productivity and purpose that enables them to consistently outpace their competitors.
Learn more about how the best companies manage their people's time, talent and energy with as much discipline as they do their financial capital.
Liberate the Organization’s Time
In most organizations, time goes largely unmanaged. Business professionals fill their days with unproductive phone calls, emails, meetings, and conferences and find little time for value-adding activities. With minimal controls in place to manage employees’ time, organizations in every industry are finding themselves burdened by organizational drag.
Many time-management experts advise employees to gain control over their emails and to be selective about the phone calls and meetings they take part in, but individual actions alone cannot fully counter organizational drag. Instead, organizational leaders need to take a holistic approach to reducing drag and helping employees maximize their productivity.
Organizations can realize tremendous time savings by investing their time as carefully as they invest their money. A number of innovative practices can help, such as:
Leaders can also improve productivity by running meetings efficiently, ensuring that every one fosters collaboration and leads to clear decisions. The purpose and agenda of every meeting should be clearly defined, and participants should arrive at the meeting prepared to discuss the topic at hand.
The most effective organizational change requires a company-wide effort. When employees realize the value that can be gained through effective time management, they feel less burdened by their workloads and are able to maximize their daily productivity.
Simplify the Operating Model
While effective time management can dramatically boost productivity, organizations that want to reduce organizational drag must also reduce the complexity and bloat of their business units, functions, and task forces. The drag that results from these factors stems primarily from an abundance of unnecessary tasks, unclear responsibilities, and organizational complexity.
Before tackling this issue, leaders must understand the origins of complexity. It is the natural result of organizational growth. As companies expand, they typically add new product lines and business units and open new channels, segments, and geographic regions. All of these elements must interact with one another, and the number of “nodes” of interaction among units increases geometrically.
Reducing complexity requires understanding a company’s operating model. The operating model outlines the company’s structure and provides a link between strategy and execution. It defines the shape and size of each business, the boundaries between lines of business, the ways in which people work within and across these boundaries, how the corporate center adds value to the business units, and the norms and behaviors that the organization wants to encourage. Because they encompass so many aspects of an organization, operating models tend to be highly complex.
Leaders can begin the attack on complexity by mapping decision-making processes within their organizations. They can determine the number of nodes that are necessary for efficient operation. They can study the structure, accountabilities, governance, and organizational working styles and identify components that can be simplified or eliminated to enhance efficiency. Finally, they can reconsider their organizational pyramids to reduce the number of people who do not add value in making or executing decisions.
Find and Develop the “Difference Makers”
Companies that take steps to reduce organizational drag will help their people save time and enhance their productivity, but time savings alone will not help companies reach their full potential. The most productive organizations also attract, retain, and deploy their people in ways that maximize their output.
Top talent—people who offer unique sets of skills and experiences and can collaborate with others on important initiatives—are critical to an organization’s success. Most leaders recognize the importance of placing these difference makers in jobs that will allow them to have the greatest impact, but conventional hiring techniques, hierarchies, and job assignment philosophies make it difficult for organizations to find, develop, and deploy top talent effectively. Leaders can boost the impact of talent on workforce productivity by:
Create and Deploy All-Star Teams
The most productive companies typically do not possess more top talent than other companies. Rather, they focus on effective deployment and utilization of their difference makers.
Many companies pay more attention to their finished products than they do to the collaboration, teaming, and deployment that create those products. But these concepts are crucial to enhancing performance. Leaders can improve their organizations’ results by thoughtfully assembling all-star teams, or teams consisting of top players, and then deploying them to execute mission-critical initiatives. When top players work together, they act as a force multiplier that can produce greater and higher-quality output.
All-star teams can reach their full potential when the following elements are in place:
Aim for Inspiration (Not Just Engagement)
While time and talent are two components that can dramatically increase a company’s performance, organizational energy is another significant element of productivity. Energy is a powerful force that has the potential to improve companies’ results significantly.
Organizational energy can be difficult to harness, but the price of disengagement is high. When employees are disengaged, they do not give their organizations much of their discretionary energy, harming productivity. Low levels of engagement may stem from many factors, including a lack of autonomy, uninteresting work, disingenuous or unreachable goals, and little room for learning and growth.
Research shows that the biggest breakthroughs in organizational energy happen when employees feel not just engaged but inspired by their roles and organizations. Inspired employees become difference makers who encourage their peers to attain new levels of performance. They are involved in the content of their work and engaged because of their connections with others, and they believe deeply in their organizations’ goals.
Organizational leaders can employ three approaches to foster inspiring organizational engagement and create environments where people want to work:
Build a Winning Culture
Winning cultures are a hallmark of nearly every successful company. They can provide a sustainable competitive advantage, serve as a defense against organizational stagnation and complexity, attract top-tier talent, and foster the collaboration and engagement that are critical for increasing productivity.
Leaders can shape their organizational cultures by establishing meaningful purposes; by demonstrating winning values, such as integrity, accountability, and agility; and by reinforcing beliefs that are unique to their company’s industries, strategies, and heritages. These factors must be strengthened by the organizational environment, including operating models, talent systems, rewards, consequences, and leadership efforts that affect how employees work and behave.
Winning cultures can be established in any organization. Leaders can ignite performance cultures by:
Raising the strategic ambition and recentering their purpose. Leaders need to define the purposes, values, and behaviors that influence how employees work and provide context for individual and team missions. Bold ambitions and compelling visions are essential for leaders who hope to inspire change.
Reawakening the ownership mindset. Leaders must also select a small number of important behavioral changes and focus on embedding them within their organizational cultures. These changes may be embedded through the purposeful disruption of pre-established behaviors and the introduction of routines that diminish the less effective parts of an existing culture.
Resetting ways of working and talent plans. Leaders can redefine their ways of working and help their people modify their actions by encouraging culture-strengthening behaviors. Leaders can also assess their talent plans and renew their talent acquisition strategies, leadership behavior signatures, and talent-management systems to attract difference makers.
Estimated Reading Time: 4–5 hours, 240 pages
In Time, Talent, Energy, Michael Mankins and Eric Garton provide an organizational framework that can help leaders maximize their companies’ productive power, reduce the causes of organizational drag, and thereby outpace their competitors. CEOs, organizational leaders, and managers at every level can realize tremendous benefits by learning to manage the three scarcest resources in today’s economy: time, talent, and energy. Each chapter includes in-depth examples, research, and insight into maximizing an organization’s productive power. Some chapters include assessments, figures, and callouts that clarify the concepts presented. This book can be read one chapter at a time in any order.
Prologue: The Truly Scarce Resources
1. An Organization’s Productive Power—and How to Unleash It
Part One: Time
2. Liberate the Organization’s Time
3. Simplify the Operating Model
Part Two: Talent
4. Find and Develop the “Difference Makers”
5. Create and Deploy All-Star Teams
Part Three: Energy
6. Aim for Inspiration (Not Just Engagement)
7. Build a Winning Culture
Epilogue: The Virtuous Circle
Michael Mankins is a partner in Bain’s San Francisco office and head of the firm’s organizational practice in the Americas. He is coauthor of Decide & Deliver: Five Steps to Breakthrough Performance in Your Organization and The Value Imperative: Managing for Superior Shareholder Returns. His writings and ideas have appeared in numerous Harvard Business Review articles as well as in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, New York Times, and many other publications. He has also been a featured speaker at conferences conducted by Harvard Business Review, Business Week, CFO Magazine, Directors & Boards, and other organizations.
Eric Garton is a partner in Bain’s Chicago office, leader of the firm’s global organization practice, and a senior member of the consumer products and industrial goods and services practices. Since joining Bain in 1997, Garton has focused his time on working with global companies undergoing significant organizational transformation.
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