Founder's Mentality Blog
The Elements of Founder’s Mentality: Strong Cash Focus
The Elements of Founder’s Mentality: Strong Cash Focus
Leaders of insurgents constantly reallocate spending to the best use, never allowing resources to be hoarded.
Founder's Mentality Blog
Leaders of insurgents constantly reallocate spending to the best use, never allowing resources to be hoarded.
Incumbent companies tend to lose faith over time in cost control. Instead of lowering sales, general and administrative (SG&A) costs as a percentage of sales, for instance, they are content to allow them to grow at the rate of sales growth. They ignore the value of continuously reducing costs and passing the benefit along to customers.
This doesn’t happen at companies with high Founder’s Mentality—companies we define as having an extraordinary sense of insurgency, a frontline obsession and an owner mindset, each of which have their own sub-elements (see Figure 1). The last of these elements, owner mindset, provides some of the most important antibodies to complexity, creating a culture that ruthlessly cuts costs and complexity and rewards those who act to overcome and destroy bureaucracy whenever it rears its head.
An owner mindset includes three elements:
The three elements of the Founder's Mentality help companies sustain performance while avoiding the inevitable crises of growth.
Let’s take a closer look at the role a strong cash focus plays at insurgent companies. Leaders of these companies are obsessed with cash, but more precisely with their business’s nanoeconomics (a term I’m applying to the basics of business: the realized price vs. costs). They focus on unit volume growth, recognizing that this kickstarts operating efficiencies. They push for continual cost improvement—for them, this is the primary benefit of achieving greater scale and produces more money that they can reinvest in the business. The decision to reinvest in the business (instead of paying off the existing creditors and investors who are always waiting at the door) is a massive decision to invest in the future capabilities of the firm. It is a bet on growth. They do so by “zero-basing” and then reallocating the funds they liberate to those areas where it will produce the greatest return. They don’t allow resources to become trapped in siloes. We describe this is as using SG&A as capability currency. When leaders of insurgents invest money in the SG&A line of their companies, it is a massive symbol: with each dollar they are investing in future capabilities to create new areas of future growth.
We’ve collected dozens of examples of this cash focus during our Founder’s Mentality 100 (FM100) meetings. Here’s a sampling:
These leaders are worried about what Michael Dell called “profitless prosperity,” which we cited in our book Beyond the Core. He was referring to the danger of companies pursuing a whole series of profitless adjacency moves in which each investment adds revenue, but no profit.
This is the danger of losing the strong cash focus that defines a company’s early years. Nanoeconomic decisions become disconnected. Revenue growth is managed without understanding whether basic gross margins or cash generation targets are achieved. Costs are managed independently of volume growth (which should trigger most major improvements in costs). In short, the leadership team stops looking at the order book. Yet, at its most fundamental level, the entire future of the business depends on the story it tells.
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