Unlocking Hydrogen Projects with a Customer-Centric Approach
Unlocking Hydrogen Projects with a Customer-Centric Approach
Securing long-term offtake agreements is key to the success of clean hydrogen projects.
Securing long-term offtake agreements is key to the success of clean hydrogen projects.
The market for clean hydrogen and its derivatives (such as green ammonia, low-carbon steel, and synthetic fuel for aviation) is growing quickly, with the number of announced projects up by more than 75% since the end of 2021. Traditional utilities, renewable energy developers, oil and gas companies, chemicals producers, and original equipment manufacturers are among those trying to gain first-mover advantage.
The economics of getting these projects off the ground will remain challenging for at least a decade, due to high capex costs and the variability in the price of carbon. Most clean hydrogen projects will still need regulatory support to be economically competitive with alternatives (see Figure 1). This limits early projects to niche areas where subsidies or other support is available, or where customers will pay a green premium. (For more on this, read the Bain Brief “The Inflation Reduction Act Is a Decarbonization Game Changer.”)
In our experience, hydrogen developers are familiar with the economics around regulatory support and other incentives. They also understand the need for finding the right site locations (with proximity to resources and supporting industry) and the right partners. The missing ingredient, we often find, is that they are less attuned to another factor that’s critical for success: identifying customers that are willing to pay a green premium and securing long-term offtake agreements with them.
This capability gap isn’t surprising: The companies developing clean hydrogen projects have focused on developing their engineering and project management capabilities. Securing a base of offtake customers hasn't been a critical capability of their core business, so it's a new muscle to build. For example, the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US is likely to increase the supply of low-cost clean hydrogen, but so far it is unclear if there are enough customers ready to commit to purchasing this new supply.
But getting potential customers to commit to long-term contracts is essential for project success. It’s difficult because customers must have confidence that they can pass on the cost of the green premium to their end consumers. The challenge is made more difficult because customers expect prices on green derivatives to decline over time, and they don’t want to be locked into higher prices. Also, many hydrogen producers, particularly utilities that are used to selling into commodity markets, lack the specialized sales experience required to close these deals.
Even so, some leaders are finding ways to secure these long-term commitments. In Sweden, steel maker SSAB has entered a joint venture with power utility Vattenfall and mining group LKAB to develop green hydrogen to power a new green steel operation called Hybrit. A long-term agreement to provide green steel to Volvo will help the automaker achieve its ambitious carbon-reduction goals while ensuring an offtake customer for the green steel. Another Swedish consortium, H2GS, is developing a similar model to make green steel available with long-term commitments from automakers and other customers.
In another example, the near-term project pipeline before 2025 in green ammonia mostly targets “green” parts of existing ammonia production facilities of major fertilizer companies such as Fertiberia, Fertiglobe, and Yara. These projects take advantage of sites with existing infrastructure, although not necessarily the best renewable energy resources. Most importantly, these early projects take advantage of the fertilizer producers’ strong distribution capabilities and existing customer relationships. Some customers are willing to pay more for greener fertilizer. For example, in early 2022, Yara reached an agreement to bring green fertilizers to market with Lantmännen, a farming cooperative.
Several East Asia power sectors, particularly Japan and South Korea, may also be new markets for clean ammonia. Some companies have already signed memoranda of understanding with blue and green ammonia projects, not unlike the long-term contracts for LNG that emerged in the 1970s. For example, ACWA Power and Kepco are looking to collaborate on green ammonia projects globally.
Our work with early movers suggests three important steps in developing a customer-centric approach that are key to unlocking a successful clean hydrogen project. Taking this kind of approach has helped companies identify customers willing to pay a premium and commit to long-term contracts, which in turn has enabled hydrogen producers to commit to investment decisions.
A customer-centric approach can do more than ensure a pipeline of offtake customers. When hydrogen developers gain a better understanding of customer demand, they can plan their projects more effectively—for example, making better decisions about the trade-offs between setting up centralized production with a robust distribution network or siting production closer to supply and customer demand. A more concrete, better defined project concept increases the likelihood of project success and accelerates the path to the final investment decision.
While the market for hydrogen is destined to grow, the path to success for any individual clean hydrogen project is far from certain. Access to the right sites, renewable energy resources, and partnerships will remain important, and given the limited supply of all three, assertive action is likely to generate a first-mover advantage. Adopting a customer-centric approach is a key ingredient in making the difference between failure and success.