
Exit Planning

We help ensure investors consummate deals with a maximum return by preparing for exits, identifying the optimal exit strategy, preparing the selling documents and pre-qualifying buyers.

Exit Planning

Often, the difference between a deal that generates exceptional returns and one that disappoints depends on the forethought, positioning and execution that go into developing a strong exit strategy. We’ve found that the most successful exits occur when private equity firms plant the seeds early. Forward-looking firms cultivate new profit improvement opportunities and jump-start future growth for the next set of owners to harvest.

Why Bain

Why Bain

Bain helps clients achieve maximum returns from their exits through a four-step process:

  • Positioning for performance, by identifying the most attractive growth opportunities and putting the company on a path to achieve them.
  • Evaluating the optimal exit approach, whether it is an initial public offering, a merger with a strategic acquirer, a sale to new private equity owners or a management-led leveraged buyout. We assess the industry trends, business cycle timing and equity market conditions pertinent to the firm.
  • Preparing the selling documents, to facilitate due diligence by prospective buyers or support the competitive and financial analysis required in a prospectus for a public or private listing.
  • Pre-qualifying buyers and customizing the sales approach, which identifies potential acquirers and, through a "reverse due diligence" process, anticipates their needs, concerns and capabilities and how best to address them.

Our Exit Planning Consultants


