Infographic A Coronavirus Action Plan for B2B Sales Leaders can make defensive and offensive moves to respond to the turbulent environment. 글 Mark Kovac, Jamie Cleghorn, Thomas Whiteley, and Wade Cruse 2020년3월20일 Infographic A Coronavirus Action Plan for B2B Sales en Related Insights Coronavirus The global Covid-19 pandemic has extracted a terrible human toll and spurred sweeping changes in the world economy. Across industries, executives have begun reassessing their strategies and repositioning their companies to thrive now and in the world beyond coronavirus. 저자 Mark Kovac 파트너, Dallas Jamie Cleghorn 파트너, Chicago Thomas Whiteley Alumni, London Wade Cruse 파트너, Singapore 문의하기 First published in 3월 2020 태그 Coronavirus Go-to-Market Strategy Sales Rep Catalyst 고객 전략 및 마케팅