Badaoui Saroufim



Badaoui Saroufim is a member of our Oil & Gas practice.

He has almost 10 years experience with Bain focusing on energy in the Middle East, particularly in KSA. Badaoui has experience accross large cost reductions, operational performance improvement implementation programs, growth strategy, integration roadmap development, optimization and transformation. 

Some of his recent case work includes, leading the definition and approval of the growth strategy for a leading oil & gas tubings & casings manufacturer in the Middle East and being part of the COVID-19 crisis management cell of a large national oil & gas company in the Middle East; where he designed and executed response to the pandemic to ensure operational business continuity.

Prior to joining Bain, Badaoui gained 5 years of experience in oil & gas exploration operations with Schlumberger.

Badaoui holds a Master of Science from the Centrale-Supelec and a BSs in Mathematics & Physics from Lycee Louis Le Grand. 

In his personal time, he enjoys backcountry skiing, Enduro & downhill mountain biking and hiking. Badaoui is fluent in French, Arabic and English.

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