Ethan Phillips



Oil & gas expert with robust experience advising clients across the broader energy & natural resources sphere


전문 분야


  • Founder of our Houston office
  • Americas Oil & Gas sector leader
  • Founder and former leader of two startups

Ethan Phillips is a leader in our Energy & Natural Resources practice, focusing on Oil & Gas.

Ethan has more than 15 years of experience with our firm and has advised energy clients on a range of projects across the value chain. He has led multiple engagements on growth strategy, organizational effectiveness, performance improvement, commercial diligence and M&A.

Ethan originally joined us in Boston in 2004. He also worked in our Dallas office before moving to Houston and opening our office there in 2009.

Prior to joining the firm, he spent several years as an entrepreneur, founding and growing two companies in his hometown of Austin, Texas.

Ethan holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and an A.B. from Harvard University.

He serves on the executive board of KIPP Texas, a leading charter school organization. 

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